City Life KIX​



City Life KIX shares the love of Christ with youth & families, while also providing a safe place for young people to learn & grow in the Gospel. "Doing life" with kids & empowering them to change their community for Christ is key to our mission. We want to reach a critical mass of indigenous leaders who stay in, give back to, and transform their neighborhood.

Growing up, I didn’t have many adults who took the time to pour into me what I needed to grow in leadership and in godliness. I didn’t have many people calling out the good in me and all of the possibilities that could be. I did, however, have that once I started coming to Kix. Johanna, the high school director at the time, took me under her wing and invested time, love, and a lot of gas over the many car rides she’d give me home after programming ended. How she cared for me will forever be with me. Now, I get to pour out what has been poured into me, and I also get to encourage our young leaders to do the same.
- Brandi Charlot

Community Partners

Thank you to our community Partners.


The Children's Trust
Ocean Reef Foundation
Ocean Reef Foundation

(pictured left to right: Stacy Morales, City Life KIX Director, Jules Altidor, City Life KIX Middle School Director and Indigenous Leader, Mary Ann Draghi, Jordan Commons City Life KIX Site Director, Janie Sims, Ocean Reef Grant Committee Chair)



Indigenous Leadership Development Program

The Indigenous Leadership Development program develops leaders among the high school and/or college students who attend the KIX after-school program. The Indigenous Leadership Program consists of 4 Stages:


Stage 1 (Initial Relational Investment)

a) Timeframe: 0-12 Months
b) Develop a quality mentoring relationship with student(s)
c) Point young person to make a first time decision to follow Christ (if has not already)
e) See each student as a potential “Indigenous Leader”


Stage 2 (Turning Spiritual Corners)

a) Timeframe: 3+ Months
b) More time mentoring with the purpose of developing student spiritually
c) Provide leadership opportunities (volunteer opportunities)
e) Student makes higher commitment to KIX program


Stage 3 (A Call to Discipleship)

a) Timeframe: 9+ Months
b) Discipleship (vs friendship) is invited by adult and defined for student
c) Relationship is more structured and specific
e) Accountability and instruction are increasing, and so is encouragement


Stage 4 (A Challenge to Give Back)

a) Timeframe: 3-5+ Years
b) High level of trust has been developed
c) Student growing closer to Jesus and therefore demonstrating growing victory over moral and character issues. (Time in Word and Prayer significant.)
e) Youth are ready to begin relationships with other youth to intentionally take them through the mentoring/discipleship process.


Our leadership program prepares students for their future by providing trainings in professional development, personal empowerment, and enrichment activities, as well as employment and service opportunities and a leadership coach.


The funnel outlines the culture of our model of Leadership Development which cultivates students in three different levels of leadership in our Hammond Indigenous Leadership Program (ILP): potential leaders, emerging leaders, and student leaders (Kaleos). Indigenous Leaders are first identified, then move through the following pipeline:


City Life Kix Leaders
Indigenous Leadership Development Program

YOU make a big difference! 

Interested in learning about volunteering?

Let us know and we will reach out to you!